Technology and application of automatic test system for power quality monitoring terminal |
Zhang Yao1, Qi Xiaohui2 |
1. Hami Power Supply Companyof State Grid, Hami, Xinjiang 839000; 2. PONOVO Power Co, Ltd, Beijing 100176; |
Abstract The increase of sensitive load in power system will make the power supply waveform deviate from symmetrical sine, which will cause serious power quality problems. According to the power quality problem, take the electric energy quality standard source with automatic test software automatic test system for electric energy quality monitoring terminal technology, the power quality parameters of power quality monitoring terminal for the whole closed-loop automatic test, the test results show that the system can satisfy the requirement of detection of power quality monitoring terminal detection of the prescribed standards, and improve the detection efficiency, solve the various practical problems caused by censorship.
Received: 25 October 2017
Published: 19 March 2018
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Zhang Yao,Qi Xiaohui. Technology and application of automatic test system for power quality monitoring terminal[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(3): 126-129.
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