The establishment and the modal analysis of the three-dimensional modal of the stator winding of large turbo generator |
Wu Dongdong, Li Juan |
Beijing Information Science & Technology University, College of Automation, Beijing 100192 |
Abstract For the structural complexity of large turbine generator stator, on the basis of the three-dimensional model of the stator end involute, the turbine stator winding model was established in Pro/E: including the establishment of winding model of the involute end, the line segment of the stator winding and the pressing plates, then the stator winding and pressing plates are assembled.The article carries out the modal analysis of upper winding-bar and the assembly structures of stator line rod by the good connectivity of Pro/E and ANSYS, therefore providing the basis for the studying of electromagn -etic vibration of the end winding and stator winding afterwords.
Received: 26 September 2017
Published: 18 April 2018
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Wu Dongdong,Li Juan. The establishment and the modal analysis of the three-dimensional modal of the stator winding of large turbo generator[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(4): 5-9.
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