Analysis on the current situation of electricity and energy in China and its solution |
Wu Ping, Guo Wei, Jin Chunjie, Su Ying, Xu Wu |
School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Yunnan Minzu University, Kunming 650500 |
Abstract Since the reform and development, China's rapid economic development, the annual demand for energy continues to grow. Sustainable supply of energy is already a problem that China's economic sustainable development must face. At present, China's primary energy consumption structure of a single fossil energy mainly coal-based, high-quality fossil energy is relatively inadequate. Terminal energy consumption structure, the proportion of electricity growing. The external dependence of oil has increased year by year, and the energy allocation is unscientific. In view of the above, we focus on the analysis of China's power and energy situation in recent years. At present, China's energy problems, power problems such as power input imbalance, lack of power grid development, long-distance transmission capacity is weak, to discuss. From the long-distance transmission, power imports, the development of electric vehicles and power grid intelligent analysis of these aspects, made for the current situation of China's power energy solutions.
Received: 09 November 2017
Published: 21 May 2018
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Wu Ping,Guo Wei,Jin Chunjie等. Analysis on the current situation of electricity and energy in China and its solution[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(5): 1-4.
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