Defect analysis and processing of partial discharge of 110kV GIS |
Wang Zheng1, Wang Junchang1, Liu Qiancheng2, Zhao Hengwei1 |
1. State Grid Binzhou Power Supply Company, Binzhou, Shandong 256600; 2. State Grid Company of Shandong Province Power Maintenance Company, Ji’nan 250021; |
Abstract This paper introduce an 110kV GIS internal heat with partial discharge defects due to isolation switch was not in the right place, using ultrasonic detection method, the ultra-high frequency detection method and the analysis method to components of SF6 gas to detect the partial discharge. Analysis of the causes of defects, the processing has a certain reference to similar defect.
Received: 15 November 2017
Published: 19 June 2018
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Wang Zheng,Wang Junchang,Liu Qiancheng等. Defect analysis and processing of partial discharge of 110kV GIS[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(6): 117-121.
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