Research on broadband high current generator for harmonic testing |
Xu Lingjie, Chen Xiao, Guo Peng, Li Hangkang, Lv Jifan |
State Grid Zhejiang Electric Company Electric Power Science Research Institute, Hangzhou 311100 |
Abstract Broadband high current generation device, harmonic current test and harmonic component analysis, which widely used in electric power department. The general practice is the current booster or broadband linear power amplifier. The disadvantage is not through the direct current power supply. The latter shortcoming is low efficiency, especially in output voltage for low voltage. The output current of the current, this paper describes the use of the power method not only solves the problem of output DC current and improve the working efficiency of the linear power amplifier, from DC to harmonic current is more than 100 times, the output capacity reached 500A, has been widely used in various occasions testing field and broadband high current harmonic error so, have a good experience.
Received: 25 December 2017
Published: 17 July 2018
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