Analysis and modification of 600MW super-critical thermal power unit’s feed-water heat recovery system |
Li Tao |
CLP Business Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd, Beijing 100004 |
Abstract The performance of domestic coal fired units’ single reheat system also has space to be improved. Main reason is that the third section steam extraction of the unit has super high superheat, resulting in excessive heat exchange temperature difference and unreasonable utilization of energy level, and resulting in the increase of irreversible loss. The current reform measures more common with outside steam cooler, and lower pressure heat exchanger design, to improve the thermal efficiency by improving the efficiency of power generation units in general. Based on 600 MW the supercritical unit of a coal-fired power plant, the comprehensive analysis of the technical improvement measures and the thermal economy of the unit can be used to improve the efficiency of the unit, which could provide important theoretical basis for steam turbine design and retrofit of units.
Received: 23 November 2017
Published: 17 July 2018
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Li Tao. Analysis and modification of 600MW super-critical thermal power unit’s feed-water heat recovery system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(7): 78-82.
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