The controllable AC side charging method for modular multilevel converter based on full and half bridge hybrid topology |
Yue Wei1, Zhang Shichao2, Liu Xiaoyong2, Lu Ting2, Yu Qiong1 |
1. Montnets RongXin Technology Group Co., Ltd, Anshan, Liaoning 114051; 2. Rongxin Huiko Electric Technology Co., Ltd, Anshan, Liaoning 114051 |
Abstract Voltage difference between full bridge and half bridge submodules in hybrid topology based converter is critical during AC non-controlled charging process. The working principle of full bridge and half bridge module in hybrid topology converter and the process of AC non-controlled charging are analyzed. A controllable AC side charging method for modular multi-level converter based on full and half bridge hybrid topology is proposed which can improve the average voltage of the modules by controllable charging strategy, maintaining the voltage balance of all the modules in the arm. Finally, PSCAD simulation model based on cell-hybrid MMC-HVDC was set up, and the simulation results prove the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed strategy.
Received: 05 January 2018
Published: 23 October 2018
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Yue Wei,Zhang Shichao,Liu Xiaoyong等. The controllable AC side charging method for modular multilevel converter based on full and half bridge hybrid topology[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(9): 46-50.
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