Design of field calibration device for UHVDC current transformer based on Beidou synchronization |
Cheng Yushu, Han Haian |
Shanxi Electric Power Corporation Metering Center of SGCC, Taiyuan 030032 |
Abstract In order to solve the problem that UHVDC current transformer can't be carry out calibration test during operation, a set of field calibration device for UHVDC current Transformer based on Beidou synchronization is designed. This paper first briefly describes the UHVDC transmission system and the Beidou synchronization technology, and then puts forward the field calibration scheme and the tracing scheme, gives the design scheme, and finally carries on the experiment verification. The results show that the field calibration device designed in this paper can effectively solve the field calibration problem of current Transformer and provide a guarantee for the control, protection and measurement of the transmission system.
Received: 08 May 2018
Published: 23 October 2018
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Cheng Yushu,Han Haian. Design of field calibration device for UHVDC current transformer based on Beidou synchronization[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(9): 65-68.
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