Research of high-voltage switchgear intelligent based on PLC centralized control system |
Zhou Qingping |
HNAC Technology Co., Ltd, Changsha 410205 |
Abstract The High-voltage Switchgear plays a key role in energy transmission and distribution in the power system, especially in the field of transmission and distribution. Its operation stability and reliability are related to the security of the whole power system and the end users, and it has always been a subject of concern and research. The high-voltage switchgear has been constantly innovated and improved, but the security problem of "five prevention" still exists at present. Analysing the present situation and the existing problems of the development of the high-voltage switchgear, proposing a monitoring strategy based on PLC centralized control system, realizing the intelligent of high-voltage switchgear, solving the hidden danger of equipment operation and maintenance completely and effectively, and realizing the function of one key intelligent power delivery and maintenance. The results show that the research and application of this system theory is of great significance to the safety of the terminal equipment and the construction of the strong power grid.
Received: 06 February 2018
Published: 23 October 2018
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Zhou Qingping. Research of high-voltage switchgear intelligent based on PLC centralized control system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(9): 73-76.
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