Analysis and treatment of abnormal electric braking of Unitrol 6800 excitation in Geheyan power plant |
Wu Fan, Zhu Lineng |
Hubei Qingjiang Hydropower Development Co., Ltd, Yichang, Hubei 443000 |
Abstract The excitation equipment of Geheyan Power Plant was ABB's Unitrol 6800 system. When it was put into operation, in order to cooperate with the optimal design of keeps the magnetic switch closed when units shut down, a starter power contactor was added to the line-in side of the booster transformer to prevent the rotor overvoltage at the end of the electric brake. Based on the engineering practice, this article analyzed all aspects of the electric braking process in detail, optimized the SCADA LCU control flow according to the hardware design, and adjusted the PLC time parameters of the excitation regulator, solved the excitation jumper caused by rotor overvoltage in the process of electric braking, effectively avoid the excitation trip fault. It provides engineering reference for the design of hydroelectric units electric brake with the same type excitation system.
Received: 13 April 2018
Published: 23 October 2018
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Wu Fan,Zhu Lineng. Analysis and treatment of abnormal electric braking of Unitrol 6800 excitation in Geheyan power plant[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(9): 122-127.
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