The verification based on RTDS of fault line selection method for distribution power system |
Zhang Jianwei, Zhang Ran, Gong Dongliang, Yang Fang |
NARI Technology Development Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210061 |
Abstract The current situation of system verification for the single-phase grounding of distribution network is lacking, it puts forward a test and research method based on RTDS. A systemic closed-loop experimental enviroment consists of simulation models and automatic equipment, and the simulation models are built on the actual data of RTDS. This paper improves the 3C scheme of amplitude and phase comparison and the " hour hand effect" when the fault component is small in the line selection scheme, and improves the measurement precision and the measurement precision of the small signal Redundancy of fault judgment. Two kinds of faults, single-phase grounding and cable-out of single-phase earthing are studied. Through many types of tests, the test methods are proved feasible, and the algorithm of fault line selection are also proved exact and practical.
Received: 16 March 2018
Published: 23 October 2018
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Zhang Jianwei,Zhang Ran,Gong Dongliang等. The verification based on RTDS of fault line selection method for distribution power system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(10): 40-43.
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