Implementation of sequence control in dispatching automation system |
Deng Yong, Feng Xuemin, Liu Jian, Liang Furong, Ren Xiaohui |
State Grid Fujian Electric Power Dispatching and Control Center, Fuzhou 350003 |
Abstract It has a broad application prospect to realize the sequential operation at the dispatching automation system, while the progress of dispatching automation system technology and the popularization of the remote control operation. First, this paper presents two typical schemes for realizing the sequential operation on dispatching automation system. Through comparison, it is concluded that the mode of deploying the programmed operating function of the master station to realize the sequence control has the advantages of fast implementation, low construction cost, wide applica-tion scope and less maintenance in later period. Second. The key problems of the sequential operation are discussed, such as security measure, intelligent reasoning of dispatching order, Operation confirmation of Air insulated switchgear. Again, the function architecture and operation process of the sequential operation at the dispatching automation are expounded. Finally, the system is applied in a certain area, which not only ensures operation safety, but also improves operation efficiency.
Received: 08 April 2018
Published: 23 October 2018
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