Discussion on the time constant of low-voltage DC circuit-breaker |
Wang Xingli, Zhao Keda, Hu Langtao, Pan Liyun |
Zhejiang Tengen Electric Co., Ltd, Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325604 |
Abstract DC power supply and distribution system is more and more widely used, the time constant is a DC power supply and distribution system and the important parameters of low voltage DC circuit-breaker, breaking current performance has great effect on DC circuit-breakers, DC requirements of different applications, different time constants, the DC power supply and distribution system protection circuit-breaker should choose DC special products, important parameters according to the time constant is the DC circuit-breaker design, test and choice, only to choose the proper time constant, DC circuit-breaker can ensure that every time breaking do accurate safety protection and perfection.
Received: 16 March 2018
Published: 23 October 2018
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