Experiment and analysis of two way impeller direct drive generator in coastal tidal current |
Li Shichuan1, Ma Jie1, Wang Shiming2, Li Zeyu2, Yu Tao2 |
1. Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Institute of automation, Beijing 1001922; 2. Shanghai Ocean University, College of Engineering, Shanghai 201306 |
Abstract Sea wave power generation is a new field of clean energy development. In recent years, people's interest in research is becoming more and more high. A variety of wave generators have been developed. In this paper, a two way impeller direct drive power flow generator is developed and a power flow test is carried out in the near shore. The actual performance of the generator is verified, the characteristics of the near shore power flow energy are explored, and the electric energy processing method is studied. It provides valuable experience for the subsequent wave generation research.
Received: 15 November 2018
Published: 16 November 2018
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Li Shichuan,Ma Jie,Wang Shiming等. Experiment and analysis of two way impeller direct drive generator in coastal tidal current[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(11): 22-25.
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