Research on the suppression of subsynchronous oscillation and the improvement of series compensation by STATCOM |
Zhang Zhi1, Liu Linan2 |
1. Beijing Rongxin HUICO Technology CO., Ltd, Beijing 100193; 2. China North Vehicle Research Institute, Beijing 100072 |
Abstract It is possible to improve the transmission capacity of the system by adding a series capacitor to a long distance transmission line. However, the subsynchronous oscillation will occur. The installation of STATCOM can effectively suppress subsynchronous oscillation. This paper introduces in detail the principle of STATCOM to suppress the subsynchronous synchronization, and uses the PSCAD simulation software, using the Jinjie power plant actual generator and the transmission line parameters, build the whole system model. Build the STATCOM model according to the structure and working principle of RXPE STATCOM. The simulation results and the test results are compared to verify the effectiveness of the suppression effect. And make a study for improve the compensation of fixed series compensator by doing simulation under different series compensation degree cases. It can be observed whether STATCOM can effectively suppress the subsynchronous oscillation. In the end, modify the series compensation degree without subsynchronous suppression measures, and according to the simulation results, to get the relationship between the subsynchronous oscillation and the series compensation degree.
Published: 16 November 2018
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Zhang Zhi,Liu Linan. Research on the suppression of subsynchronous oscillation and the improvement of series compensation by STATCOM[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(11): 46-54.
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