Analysis and treatment of energy storage abnormality of 220kV GIS circuit breaker |
Yuan Lu, Wang Meng, Su Wen, Xie Jia, Xue Kezhi |
Maintenance Company of Anhui Electric Power Corporation, Hefei 230051 |
Abstract Two energy storage accidents of 220kV GIS circuit breaker (CB) happen in a 500kV substation in one day. Based on detailed inspection and analysis on the mechanism of the abnormality CB and their secondary circuits, finally find that the compression shrapnel of electric brush of the energy storage motor misaligned is the reason why the CB cannot storage energy,and the time relay broken is the reason why the CB doesn't send an alerting signal. In the end, the paper puts forward some suggestions for replacing the unreliable electric brush and time relay gradually for the safe operation of the equipment.
Received: 26 April 2018
Published: 16 November 2018
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Yuan Lu,Wang Meng,Su Wen等. Analysis and treatment of energy storage abnormality of 220kV GIS circuit breaker[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(11): 95-99.
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