The multimachine power system stabilizer parameters optimal design based on SMAFA optimization algorithm |
Zhan Renjun |
Fujian Shuikou Power Generation Group Co., Ltd, Fuzhou 350000 |
Abstract The performance of traditional power system stabilizer is greatly influenced by its own parameters. In order to maximize the performance of the power system stability, the current research mainly uses optimization algorithms for the tuning of PSS parameters. As an emerging swarm intelligence optimization algorithm, adaptive firefly algorithm (AFA) is very suitable for power system op-timization problems because of its good global search capability. In view of its problems of poor local search ability and easily oscillating at extreme point, combining the adaptive firefly algorithm with the simplex method, this paper proposes a new SMAFA method to improve the PSS optimization performance. Through the mathematics test and PSS interference and adaptive simulations, the proposed method is proved to have good global search ability and local search ability, and it can be better to improve the robustness of the power system.
Received: 23 May 2018
Published: 18 December 2018
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Zhan Renjun. The multimachine power system stabilizer parameters optimal design based on SMAFA optimization algorithm[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(12): 11-17.
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