Research and development of direct-purchase settlement software based on SG186 system |
Fan Yiwen, Huang Weiguo, Pan Yilin, Jing Xingdong |
State Grid Tianfu Electric Power Supply Company, Chengdu 610000 |
Abstract SG186 system of power marketing as marketing business application system has taken responsible of the Direct-purchase of electricity calculation function. In the process of settlement forms are made for different users to calculate the electricity charge and preferential electricity price. Settlement due to Direct-purchase of electricity work for different categories of users use different algorithms to calculate and user types combination conditions more, often produce manual table format is very much also thus causing settlement time is too long. According to the characteristics of Direct-purchase electricity settlement. This paper develops a system covering all user types and algorithms. After obtaining relevant data from the system. The settlement form is automatically generated to obtain the results.
Received: 16 July 2018
Published: 18 December 2018
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Fan Yiwen,Huang Weiguo,Pan Yilin等. Research and development of direct-purchase settlement software based on SG186 system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(12): 83-86.
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