Design and implementation of integrated automation system for large ground photovoltaic power station |
Wang Renbin, Hu Shaoqian, Ding Haochuan, Ma Hong, Gu Guocheng |
Nanjing Nari-relays Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract Large ground photovoltaic power stations have the characteristics of large number of equipment, complex types and complex network construction, so it is difficult to establish comprehensive automation system. Combined with the structure and characteristics of large ground photovoltaic power station, the functional requirements of the integrated automation system are analyzed, and a design and implementation scheme based on distributed monitoring is proposed. The integrated automation system will be designed from bottom to top layer, by submatrix ring network layer, spacer layer, network layer and station control layer. The system structure is clear, favorable for expansion, and ease of integration. The risk of network fault is reduced by dividing different data network. Distributed regulation reduces the difficulty of AGC/AVC algorithm, improves the speed of regulation, and shortens the response time, which is conducive to the safe and stable operation of the power grid system after grid-connection.
Received: 27 June 2018
Published: 15 January 2019
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Wang Renbin,Hu Shaoqian,Ding Haochuan等. Design and implementation of integrated automation system for large ground photovoltaic power station[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(1): 68-72.
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