Research on overhead transmission line disaster prevention and mitigation system based on WebGIS |
Huang Xuyong1, Nie Ding1, He Yong2, Fu Xiangquan2 |
1. Yunnan Electric Science Research Institute, Kunming 650200; 2. Earthview Image Inc., Beijing 100101 |
Abstract Overhead transmission line disaster prevention and mitigation is an important guarantee for the external power grid to resist disaster and ensure safe operation. Combined with the actual demand of transmission lines in Yunnan power grid disaster prevention and mitigation at present, we propose an overhead transmission line disaster prevention and mitigation system based on WebGIS. With ice, lightning, fire, bird and other common disasters as the research object, based on Openlayers platform and the Oracle database as the carrier, through the integrated analysis of multi-source data of meteorological data, monitoring data and operation data, the overall architecture is designed based on data storage layer, data exchange layer, data service layer, business logic layer, data interaction layer and comprehensive display layer. Then finally a disaster prevention and decision support system is formed with transmission line visualization, disaster monitoring and disaster warning. The actual operation shows that the system provides strong support for the disaster prevention and mitigation work of the transmission line in Yunnan power grid.
Received: 07 June 2018
Published: 18 February 2019
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Huang Xuyong,Nie Ding,He Yong等. Research on overhead transmission line disaster prevention and mitigation system based on WebGIS[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(2): 79-84.
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