Review on intelligence fault diagnosis in power electronic converters |
Chen Shican1,2, Lin Qiongbin1,2, Chen Sixiong2, Cai Fenghuang1,2, Wang Wu1,2 |
1. College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116; 2. Kehua Hengsheng Electric Power Electronic Technology Research Center, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116 |
Abstract As one of the cores of energy conversion, the fault diagnosis technology of power electronic converters provide a strong guarantee for energy safety and reliable conversion. The intelligence methods which are applied widely for fault diagnosis of power electronic converters, including fault tree analysis, artificial neural network, support vector machine, fuzzy set theory and information fusion, etc, are reviewed in this paper. First of all, the basic concepts of these intelligent methods are briefly expounded. Then from the research status of power electronics fault diagnosis, the characteristics and shortcomings of various intelligent methods are briefly analyzed. Finally, combining with the difficulties in current fault diagnosis of power electronic circuits, explored new ideas for the future development in this field.
Received: 08 August 2018
Published: 19 March 2019
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Chen Shican,Lin Qiongbin,Chen Sixiong等. Review on intelligence fault diagnosis in power electronic converters[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(3): 6-12.
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