Design of voice recognition intelligent curtain controller based on SCM |
Zhang Chaomin, Wang Xuejiao |
Wuxi Machinery and Electron Higher Professional and Technical School of Jiangsu Union Technocal Institute, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214028 |
Abstract The core of the device is SCM STC89C52, and modular design is applied to control the Intelligent Curtains. The luminance sensing module and temperature sensing module are used to monitor the outdoor luminance in real time. MCU controls the forward and backward rotation of the stepping motor through the driving module of the stepping motor to simulate the opening or closing of the curtain. The temperature and time are displayed on the LCD screen. At the same time, the system has manual control function, the voice recognition module and buttons to control the opening and closing of the curtain. The system has stable performance, simple structure, strong anti-interference ability, low cost and can meet the demand of smart home.
Received: 01 June 2018
Published: 19 March 2019
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Zhang Chaomin,Wang Xuejiao. Design of voice recognition intelligent curtain controller based on SCM[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(3): 84-88.
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