Feasibility study on reactive power compensation by metro regeneration energy feeding device |
Cheng Jinran1, Ma Tianwen2, Yang Zhenyu1, Zhu Lijiao1 |
1. Kunming Metro Operation Co., Ltd, Kunming 650000; 2. Kunming Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd, Kunming 650000 |
Abstract Through the comparison and analysis of the principle of the regenerative energy feeding devices in a metro traction substations and the static var generator which is in the main transformer station, the operation control method of the regenerative energy feeding system to generate reactive power is studied, and realizing the function of reactive power compensation for main substation assisted by regenerative energy feeding devices. The feasibility and effectiveness of the scheme were verified on the operational line site, which provided a new idea for optimizing equipment management and operation.
Received: 20 August 2018
Published: 19 March 2019
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Cheng Jinran,Ma Tianwen,Yang Zhenyu等. Feasibility study on reactive power compensation by metro regeneration energy feeding device[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(3): 118-121.
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