Selection of neutral grounding mode in low voltage distribution network of tunnel boring machine |
Jiang Rui |
China Railway Construction Heavy Industry Co., Ltd, Changsha 410100 |
Abstract By analyzing and comparing the existing grounding modes of low-voltage distribution network, combining with the topological structure and protection requirements of low-voltage distribution network of tunnel boring machine, with comprehensive consideration of the environmental and economic factors, we get the most suitable grounding mode of low-voltage network neutral point of tunnel boring machine. It has been widely used in our Tunnel boring machine and achieved good results.
Received: 10 December 2018
Published: 17 April 2019
Cite this article: |
Jiang Rui. Selection of neutral grounding mode in low voltage distribution network of tunnel boring machine[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(4): 106-109.
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