Practical algorithm for accurate earth current of core based on eight term cosine window |
Liu Nianhao, Wen Guoqiang, Wan Enzhong |
Beijing Xuji Electrical Company, Beijing 100085 |
Abstract An accurate algorithm for earth current of core is studied in the paper, eight term cosine window is used for the algorithm. The algorithm theory is simulated in Matlab first with random interference added to the current signal. Certain amount of interference is used according to the actual hardware noise level. Simulation result is made based on the interference level. Some simulation parameters are optimized and the algorithm is used on a real DSP processor. The calculation result of the DSP processor is also given in the paper.
Received: 06 September 2018
Published: 21 May 2019
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Liu Nianhao,Wen Guoqiang,Wan Enzhong. Practical algorithm for accurate earth current of core based on eight term cosine window[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(5): 59-63.
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