Design and application of integrated disconnecting circuit-breaker in a half-circuit breaker wiring |
Lei Hong1, Jiang Yuan1, Jiao Guofeng2 |
1. Shaanxi Electric Power Design Institute, Xi'an 710054; 2. Hainan Electric Power Design and Research Institute, Haikou 570203 |
Abstract Integrated disconnecting circuit-breaker used in a half-circuit breaker wiring can simplify the conventional wiring design of a half-circuit breaker. It cancels either side or side of circuit breaker isolation switch. After reliability assessment analysis, the simplified wiring method of retaining the bus side isolation switch and canceling the line side one is determined. It basically simplifies the system wiring. It brings a new concept to the design and operation maintenance of substion.
Received: 30 October 2018
Published: 17 June 2019
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Lei Hong,Jiang Yuan,Jiao Guofeng. Design and application of integrated disconnecting circuit-breaker in a half-circuit breaker wiring[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(6): 81-84.
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