Simulation of deadbeat predictive current control for permanent magnet synchronous motor based on disturbance observer |
Ke Weihuang, Qian Shengnan, Zhang Yi, Bu Feifei |
College of Automation Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016 |
Abstract In order to improve the poor transient performance and control accuracy of the current loop in vector control of permanent magnet synchronous motor, a deadbeat predictive current control method was studied. However, the deadbeat predict control system was based on the parameters of the motor, which had a problem of poor anti-interference. In order to reduced the influence of load disturbance on the predictive control system, a load disturbance observer was introduced, which was used for the feed-forward compensation. Under the compensation of the disturbance observer, the deadbeat predictive current control system not only had excellent transient performance, but also showed stronger robustness. The experiment built the simulation model of the deadbeat predictive control system based on disturbance observer in Simulink environment. Simulation results showed the validity of the theory.
Received: 18 December 2018
Published: 19 August 2019
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Ke Weihuang,Qian Shengnan,Zhang Yi等. Simulation of deadbeat predictive current control for permanent magnet synchronous motor based on disturbance observer[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(8): 1-5.
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