Risk analysis of grounding and zero protection mixed of user equipment of the distribution network |
Guo Feng1, 3, Li Tianyou2, Zheng Wendi1, Wu Han3 |
1. College of Eletrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108; 2. State Grid Fujian Electric Co., Ltd, Fuzhou 350003; 3. Electic Power Research Institude of State Grid Fujian, Fuzhou 350007 |
Abstract The TT system is generally used in the grounding form of low-voltage distribution network in China, and the TN-C-S system is widely used in urban areas with large population density. Aiming at the phenomenon of frequent electric shock accidents and residual current operated protective device frequency tripping in low-voltage distribution networks, my research team started research where used TT system in rural areas of Fujian and urban areas to adopt TN-C-S system area. It is found that the user side equipment protection wiring is not standardized, and the user equipment of one station area may not be connected with the protection line, ground protection, zero connection protection. The risks of equipment grounding and zero protection mixed in the TT system and TN-C-S system are analyzed in the case of single-phase ground fault, phase line touches the outer shell and “Neutral line Broken”. It has practical guiding significance for Standarding equipment protection wiring.
Received: 02 January 2019
Published: 19 August 2019
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Guo Feng,Li Tianyou,Zheng Wendi等. Risk analysis of grounding and zero protection mixed of user equipment of the distribution network[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(8): 85-89.
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