A method for selecting optimal minimum break point set based on evaluation of protection comprehensive importance |
Jiang Hongliang |
Yunnan Electric Power Dispatching and Control Center, Kunming 650011 |
Abstract It is proposed to select minimum break point set based on protection comprehensive importance in order to obtain the reasonable starting points for complex network setting coordination. Firstly, coordination degree of protections was defined to reflect the electrical coupling degree of protection location. Secondly, based on protection fault chain model and combining with risk theory, thus the indicator of protection risk vulnerability was obtained. Thirdly, structural importance of protection was acquired by combining the line electric betweenness with the node electric betweenness. Finally, a multi-level and multi-angle protection importance evaluation model was established by comprehensively considering the above three aspects. Then a solution for selecting optimal MBPS was given according to protection comprehensive importance index. Making a comparison with the existing methods, this method evaluates protection importance more comprehensively, making the selection of MBPS more valuable. In the end, the example of simulation shows that this method is comprehensive and effective.
Received: 25 February 2019
Published: 29 September 2019
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Jiang Hongliang. A method for selecting optimal minimum break point set based on evaluation of protection comprehensive importance[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(10): 41-45.
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