A new method of gas insulated switchgear equipment extension based on large caliber installing hand hole |
Cheng Huaihao, Chen Tao |
Guangdong Power Grid Corporation Zhuhai Power Supply Bureau, Zhuhai, Guangdong 519000 |
Abstract The extension project of gas insulated switchgear (GIS) equipment with double bus connection often needs to shut down the two buses involved, which leads to the increase of power supply pressure and the decrease of power supply reliability. In view of this situation, this paper proposes a new expansion method of GIS equipment based on large caliber installing hand hole. This method is suitable for GIS expansion project without pre-installed outlet interval. By reserving enough space to arrange bellows and transitional sleeves in the expansion connection, the installation and debugging of new intervals and related tests are completed first, and then the expansion of new intervals are realized by stopping buses in turn. The method has been successfully applied to the extension project of GIS equipment in a substation in Zhuhai. The results show that the new method can greatly improve the reliability of power supply and shorten the construction period.
Received: 14 April 2019
Published: 19 November 2019
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Cheng Huaihao,Chen Tao. A new method of gas insulated switchgear equipment extension based on large caliber installing hand hole[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(11): 88-92.
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