Multi-objective optimal model for power system considering wind power maximum accommodation |
Bai Shunming1, Chen Lei2, Jiang Fei2, Yang Ruixing2 |
1. Central China Branch of State Grid Corporation of China, Wuhan 430077; 2. Changsha University of Science &Technology, Changsha 410114 |
Abstract Due to the randomness and fluctuation of wind power output and the low proportion of flexible power supply in China, wind power consumption is limited and wind curtailment is quite serious. Therefore, in order to maximize the consumption of wind power and improve the economic benefits of power system operation, this paper constructed a multi-objective optimization model with the goal of minimum electricity purchase cost and maximum accommodation of wind power, and used the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II (NSGA-II) to solve the optimization model. The power system with five thermal power units and one grid-connected wind farm is simulated and verified. The calculation example shows that the model can minimize the purchase cost and maximize the consumption of wind power , which verifies the availability of the model.
Received: 11 June 2019
Published: 18 January 2020
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Bai Shunming,Chen Lei,Jiang Fei等. Multi-objective optimal model for power system considering wind power maximum accommodation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(1): 7-11.
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