Application research of series resonance technology on commercial induction cooker |
Wang Jiaxiao1, Zhang Yanwen2 |
1. Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 310000; 2. Zenith International Compliances Services Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 310000 |
Abstract Based on the practical application, the article uses a series resonance method for the circuit topology of the commercial induction cooker, analyzes its different working status, and obtained the optimal switching process of the inverter power devices, theoretically calculated the relation between frequency and phase angle. The power regulation is achieved by a combination of “pulse width modulation (PWM) mode” and “phase-locked loop control”. Based on this, a series resonant inverter test prototype is built and verified the conclusion by experiments. It has a strong application background to solve practical problems.
Received: 16 July 2019
Published: 27 February 2020
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Wang Jiaxiao,Zhang Yanwen. Application research of series resonance technology on commercial induction cooker[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(2): 38-43.
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