Research on starting technology of digital AC frequency converter |
Yang Donglei1, Xie Cunfu1, Zhao Jianyang2 |
1. North China Municipal Engineering Design Research & Institute, Tianjin 300000; 2. China Energy Engineering Group Tianjin Electric Power Design Institute, Tianjin 300400 |
Abstract AC/DC/AC frequency converter technology has achieved fruitful results in the field of transmission. However, the performance of power-off device limites the ability to start at heavy loads. This paper designs an AC-AC converter based on digital control technology to solve the problems of large demand for starting moment, easy blocking and difficult speed regulation of high-power scraper conveyor in mine. This paper introduces the main circuit structure of the converter and the composition of the digital controller. The core controller CPU adopts the communication sampling principle based on DDS and the design of digital phase-locked loop, realizes the digitization of cosine intersection method. The master-slave three-phase independent control gives full play to the superior performance of the flexible electronic control of the mechanical structure. Finally, according to the simulation results in the simulink environment, it is verified that the scraper conveyor can start smoothly under different heavy load conditions.
Received: 11 June 2019
Published: 27 February 2020
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Yang Donglei,Xie Cunfu,Zhao Jianyang. Research on starting technology of digital AC frequency converter[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(2): 60-64.
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