Research and practice of mobile control platform forsecondary safety measures in 500kV substation |
Cui Yunguang, Zhang Fan, Liu Xiaogang, Zhao Jun |
State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Maintenance Branch Company, Nanjing 210000 |
Abstract With the continuous development of power grid technology, the intelligent degree and the age of secondary equipment in 500kV substation is different, which leads to complex secondary circuit conditions, difficult preparation of security measures for secondary maintenance, easy to make mistakes, and poses a great threat to the safe operation of power grid. According to the above problem, this paper improves the maintenance secondary safety measures full process control, designs a mobile control platform for secondary safety measures in 500kV substation which covering 500kV smart substation and conventional substation. Secondary safety measures can be generated by the backend software automatically, issuance, review, execution, recovery, filing, inquiry and other links of secondary safety measures could be completed by mobile terminals, realized the full life cycle of secondary safety measures online control. The field application proves that the control platform can ensure the accuracy of the secondary safety measures, improve the maintenance efficiency, reduce the safety risk caused by the insufficient skill level of personnel, and make beneficial exploration and accumulate practical experience for the realization of intelligent operation and inspection.
Received: 19 July 2019
Published: 27 February 2020
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Cui Yunguang,Zhang Fan,Liu Xiaogang等. Research and practice of mobile control platform forsecondary safety measures in 500kV substation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(2): 99-105.
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