Research on the parameters identification of the electrothermal current detection method in the micro circuit breaker |
He Jiayu, Zong Ming |
College of Electrical Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870 |
Abstract With the development of intelligent electrical appliances, MCCB and ACB have different degrees of intelligence, only MCB limited by volume, cost and other factors have been difficult to achieve intelligent control. This paper uses the method of electrothermal current detection, according to Solidworks software to establish a black-box model which located in the traditional MCB in the bimetallic sheet, instead of bimetallic chip detection current, to achieve real-time current intelligent detection. Firstly, the thermal power component struck by the normal operation of the MCB and the parameters that need to be identified were determined by the principle of thermal balance and its transfer function, and the data of heating power and temperature rise was obtained by using Matlab/Simulink software to simulate, and the size of the parameters was determined by the recursive least square, After determining the parameters of the black-box model, the current value can be predicted based on the temperature rise data, so as to realize the real-time monitoring of the current.
Received: 11 December 2019
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He Jiayu,Zong Ming. Research on the parameters identification of the electrothermal current detection method in the micro circuit breaker[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(6): 50-55.
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