The application debugging problems and solutions of feeder automation technology in 10kV distribution network |
Qin Minghui, Ge Lin, Chen Leigang |
CSG Smart Science&Technology Co. Ltd, Hefei 230038 |
Abstract As one of the most important technologies in 10kV distribution network, feeder automation technology effectively improves the power supply quality of distribution network and guarantees the power supply reliability of distribution network. This paper analyzes the principle of feeder automation technology and the scheme of fault treatment in 10kV distribution network line, and discusses the problems encountered in application debugging and solutions.
Received: 15 January 2020
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Qin Minghui,Ge Lin,Chen Leigang. The application debugging problems and solutions of feeder automation technology in 10kV distribution network[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(6): 132-136.
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