Design of intelligent fuzzy detection system for belt conveyor based on microcontroller |
Jing Ying, Zong Ming |
Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870 |
Abstract Due to frequent changes in the applied load of the belt conveyor, there is an error between the actual running speed and the set running, so the slip detection system often causes false alarms. In order to more accurately and efficiently detect the slipping fault of the belt conveyor, a set of energy-saving fuzzy detection system is designed. In this system, the belt conveyor does not set the running speed, and the measured smooth running speed is used as the standard for the slipping judgment. The PIC single-chip microcomputer is used as the controller. After measuring the pulse signal output by the incremental encoder with the instrument, the speed is obtained by formula conversion. Aiming at the problem that the conveyor belt conveyor startup process is difficult to determine, an algorithm based on fuzzy reasoning is proposed, and a fuzzy reasoning table is formulated based on human experience. It is judged that slip detection is performed on the belt conveyor after the start. When the speed of the belt is reduced to 85% and 70% of the normal running speed, an alarm signal and a stop signal are triggered respectively. The experimental results show that the design improves the accuracy of detecting slipping faults of the belt conveyor and extends the service life of the belt.
Received: 08 January 2020
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Jing Ying,Zong Ming. Design of intelligent fuzzy detection system for belt conveyor based on microcontroller[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(7): 14-19.
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