Design and implementation of communication fault location APP for intelligent transformer terminal |
Qin Minghui, Pan Xiaohui, Chen Leigang |
CSG Smart Science&Technology Co., Ltd, Hefei 230088 |
Abstract Intelligent transformer terminal collects all kinds of data on distribution transformer site, which is an indispensable front-end component in intelligent and automation of distribution network. With the concept of ubiquitous power internet of things put forward, intelligent transformer terminal has gradually entered the era of iot terminal. Based on internet of things intelligent variable terminal (TTU) has a meter reading function for the area downstream equipment, distribution master station will be uploaded to the data collected, there is no downward equipment in view of the scene is the main problem of data, is proposed to design a scheme for fault location of communication APP, the APP is used to monitor terminal data interaction of the communication channels, the analysis of the channel of message to determine fault in where.
Received: 16 January 2020
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Qin Minghui,Pan Xiaohui,Chen Leigang. Design and implementation of communication fault location APP for intelligent transformer terminal[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(7): 85-88.
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