Study of measuring current for vertical double-diffused metal oxide semiconductor electrical thermal resistance measurement |
Lyu Xianliang, Huang Dongwei, Zhou Qinyuan, Li Xu |
Research Center of Foundational Product, China Electronics Standardization Institute, Beijing 100176 |
Abstract The paper researched the measuring current, which was the key parameter of VDMOS electrical thermal resistance measurement. The proper selection of test current is the precondition of accurate thermal resistance test. By the theory analysis and experimental verification of three typical VDMOS devices, the test current in thermal resistance test of VDMOS devices can be determined from three aspects: measuring self-heating, measurement delay time and thermal calibration factor.
Received: 14 February 2020
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Lyu Xianliang,Huang Dongwei,Zhou Qinyuan等. Study of measuring current for vertical double-diffused metal oxide semiconductor electrical thermal resistance measurement[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(8): 28-32.
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