Upgrading and construction of campus power distribution system based on smart energy cloud |
Shen Haijun, Xu Shaolun |
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240 |
Abstract The energy-saving reconstruction of campus power grid and intelligent energy management are the most important tasks in the construction of economical campus. For the campus power grid, there are some problems in some hardware and power supervisory system such as function failure and unable to meet the needs of current energy-saving management. According to the practical engineering, the upgrading scheme of campus power distribution system is proposed based on the intelligent monitoring terminal and cloud energy efficiency management technology. Firstly, the reconstruction scheme of primary and secondary equipment in the substation is introduced. Then the hardware, network and software architecture of the power monitoring system and the specific function realization of the smart energy cloud system are introduced. After the upgrading of campus power distribution system, the reliability and stability of the campus power grid and the intelligent level of campus energy management are improved.
Received: 27 February 2020
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Shen Haijun,Xu Shaolun. Upgrading and construction of campus power distribution system based on smart energy cloud[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(9): 39-44.
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