Sensitivity Analysis of Rail Potential for AT-fed Traction Power System |
Mi Zehui, Li Qunzhan, Ma Qingan, Hu Jingyu, Liu Xiaohan |
School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031 |
Abstract In this paper, a chain network model based on multi-conductor transmission lines was briefly described, models of AT-fed traction power system are built by Matlab/Simulink, the simulation results of rail potential are given out, the impact of changing the traction network structures and parameters to rail potential such as transversal connection, rail-earth leakage conductance, AT leakage reactance and electric conductivity of integrated earthing has been studied, the results show that the effect of transversal connection to decrease rail potential is obvious , the effect of other measures is not obvious.
Published: 10 October 2013
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Mi Zehui,Li Qunzhan,Ma Qingan等. Sensitivity Analysis of Rail Potential for AT-fed Traction Power System[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(09): 24-28.
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