Study on ultra-low frequency dielectric loss detection of 10kV cross-linked polyethylene aged cable |
Li Zonghui, Chen Linyan, Chen Yiwei |
State Grid Fujian Electric Power Company Quanzhou Power Supply Company, Quanzhou, Fujian 362000 |
Abstract This paper mainly introduces the application of ultra-low frequency dielectric loss partial discharge test technology in 10kV XLPE cable. Through the ultra-low frequency dielectric loss partial discharge test of 19 old cables in Quanzhou area. According to IEEE 400.2—2013, the test data are analyzed. The results show that 6 of the 19 cables are in the state of concern or maintenance, and some of the cables are found with water branches. If these cables continue to be put into operation, there is a high probability of failure leading to power failure. Ultra low frequency dielectric loss test can effectively evaluate the insulation aging state of XLPE cable, provide guidance for distribution maintenance, and help to improve the safety and reliability of distribution network.
Received: 12 March 2020
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Li Zonghui,Chen Linyan,Chen Yiwei. Study on ultra-low frequency dielectric loss detection of 10kV cross-linked polyethylene aged cable[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(10): 83-87.
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