Research on anti-condensation technology for prefabricated cabin of smart substation |
Lu Chaoyang, Li Xuecheng, Liu Guangzhou, Wu Junhui, Yuan Mengjiao |
NR Electric Power Electronics Co.,Ltd,Changzhou,Jiangsu 213025 |
Abstract In the paper, the causes and hazards of condensation have been introduced firstly, and meanwhile the mechanism and common methods of anti-condensation have been put forward. Then when it comes to start the analysis and research on the anti-condensation technology methods of the prefabricated cabin of smart substation, the cause of the condensation in the prefabricated cabin have been analyzed, and the anti-condensation scheme of the prefabricated cabin have been expounded. Finally, an engineering example have been used to discuss the causes and solutions of condensation in the prefabricated cabin of smart substation. Additionally, the technical terms and knowledge related to anti-condensation technology described in this paper been set forth, which combine with theoretical description and case analysis, it provides some basic ideas and technical guidance for the design of prefabricated cabins of the intelligent substation and other anti-condensation systems.
Received: 27 April 2020
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Lu Chaoyang,Li Xuecheng,Liu Guangzhou等. Research on anti-condensation technology for prefabricated cabin of smart substation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(11): 66-70.
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