Research and application of the on-line monitoring system for tripping and closing circuit in intelligent substation |
DONG Zhonghe1, SONG Xiaohang1, TANG Yuheng1, WANG Shengwei2, WANG Yibo2 |
1. Wuhan Power Supply Company of State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co., Ltd, Wuhan 430000; 2. Wuhan Kemov Electric Co., Ltd, Wuhan 430223 |
Abstract High voltage circuit breaker is an essential electrical equipment in the power system. The integrity of tripping and closing circuit is necessary to ensure the normal operation of the circuit breaker. The on-line monitoring of the tripping and closing circuit is the premise of realizing the predictive maintenance of the tripping and closing circuit, and the key to ensure the safety and reliability of the power grid. This paper has analyzes the operating state of tripping and closing circuit and the change of loop current, and design the monitoring system of tripping and closing circuit. This system consists of current acquisition circuit, analog-to-digital conversion circuit, main control system and communication circuit, and can complete the operation of current acquisition, quantification, control, filtering and sending. Cooperating with on-line monitoring software, it can realize real-time monitoring and fault alarm of tripping and closing circuit.
Received: 16 September 2019
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DONG Zhonghe,SONG Xiaohang,TANG Yuheng等. Research and application of the on-line monitoring system for tripping and closing circuit in intelligent substation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(1): 39-46.
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