Design of local power supply system for ground wire deicing automatic wiring device |
XU Wangsheng1, CAO Weiwei2, HU Jiang1, SUN Yuntao2, LIU Yang1 |
1. China Southern Power Grid EHV Transmission Company Guiyang Bureau, Guiyang 550081; 2. Nanjing Power Fitting Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211500 |
Abstract In order to realize the remote control of transmission line ice-melting, it is necessary to supply power to the ground line ice-melting automatic wiring device arranged on the tower. In this paper, firstly, the power equipment of the remote control system is classified according to the continuous and intermittent power consumption, and the system power tree is drawn. Secondly, by analyzing different on-line power supply modes commonly used in transmission lines, it is concluded that photovoltaic energy storage mode is the best choice at present. Finally, the configuration of storage battery and photovoltaic array is completed by calculation, and it is pointed out that the intelligent power management system is needed to ensure the long-term trouble-free operation of the power supply system.
Received: 31 July 2020
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XU Wangsheng,CAO Weiwei,HU Jiang等. Design of local power supply system for ground wire deicing automatic wiring device[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(2): 6-10.
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