Converter valve phase-check test of ±800kV UHVDC transmission project |
GUO Feiyang1,2, ZHANG Tao1,2, WU Xin1,2, LI Guokai1,2, YANG Yunlong1,2 |
1. He'nan Jiuyu EPRI Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd, Zhengzhou 450052; 2. He'nan Hezhong Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd, Zhengzhou 450001 |
Abstract In recent years, with the gradual development of ultra-high voltage direct current (UHVDC) projects in long-distance and high-power transmission, improving the reliability of DC transmission projects has become a prerequisite and basis for ensuring the safe and stable operation of the power grid. The converter valve low-voltage pressurized checking phase test is used as a sub-system. The commissioning project is very important for testing the quality of UHVDC transmission projects. This article focuses on the relevant content during the first stage of commissioning of the ±800kV converter station sub-system of the UHVDC project. This article elaborates the low-pressure pressure test process of the pole I and pole II low-end converter valves of the converter station and conducts theoretical analysis. Parameter calculation, test plan optimization and test waveform analysis and comparison are explained. In addition, the method of obtaining the three-phase synchronous voltage of the test abc is optimized to further reduce the test error. Finally, a checking phase method for verifying the trigger angle is proposed, which has a certain degree of engineering reference value for the construction of UHVDC transmission projects and related research.
Received: 07 September 2020
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GUO Feiyang,ZHANG Tao,WU Xin等. Converter valve phase-check test of ±800kV UHVDC transmission project[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(4): 63-68.
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