Analysis of a 1100kV gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear busbar breakdown fault |
YU Shuang1, ZHAO Ke2 |
1. Maintenance Branch of State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211100; 2. Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211100 |
Abstract In this paper, a bus trip fault of a 1 100kV gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear in an UHV substation is analyzed. The development process of the fault is described. Combined with on-site diagnosis, disassembly inspection and factory test, it is analyzed that there are foreign objects in the assembly gap of the busbar insulator electrical connection. The main cause of the accident is flashover along the basin surface due to the residual electric charge on the surface of the basin and operating overvoltage. Finally, corresponding improvement measures and suggestions are put forward.
Received: 28 September 2020
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YU Shuang,ZHAO Ke. Analysis of a 1100kV gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear busbar breakdown fault[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(4): 94-97.
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