The ant colony routing algorithm for low voltage power line communication based on cross layers of overlapping and clustering network |
HUANG Shenzeng1, WANG Jinlong2, QU Jia2 |
1. Zhangzhou Power Supply Company of State Grid Fujian Electric Power Co., Ltd, Fuzhou 353000; 2. Naqu Power Supply Company of State Grid Tibet Electric Power Co., Ltd, Naqu, Tibet 852000 |
Abstract The application of ant colony algorithm in low-voltage power line communication (LVPLC) has some problems, such as slow convergence speed and easy to fall into local optimum, so an ant colony routing method for low-voltage power line based on cross layers of overlapping clustering network is proposed. Firstly, the abnormal overlapping clustering algorithm is used to organize the network, which divides the network nodes into multiple logical layers, eliminates the communication between nodes in the same logical layer, gets fewer paths to search and optimizes the network. After that, ant colony algorithm is used to optimize the path and establish the optimal communication path between the gateway node and any node in the network. The simulation results show that compared with the basic ant colony algorithm and the ant colony algorithm based on the clustering spider network, this method not only greatly improves the convergence speed of the ant colony algorithm, but also optimizes the routing optimization results, and has a certain practical significance.
Received: 21 September 2020
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HUANG Shenzeng,WANG Jinlong,QU Jia. The ant colony routing algorithm for low voltage power line communication based on cross layers of overlapping and clustering network[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(6): 12-16.
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