Study on the performance of retired lithium iron phosphate batteries |
LI Cheng1, MA Linrui2, CHEN Guoli1, YANG Jianxin3, WANG Bo4 |
1. State Grid Hanzhong Electric Power Supply Company, Hanzhong, Shaanxi 723000; 2. Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090; 3. State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power Company, Xi’an 710048; 4. Electric Power Research Institute, State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power Company, Xi’an 710054 |
Abstract One of the key technologies for the hierarchical utilization of retired batteries is consistency sorting. This paper takes 15A·h decommissioned lithium iron phosphate single battery as the research object to study the internal and external nature. The research results show that the first step in the sorting of decommissioned lithium-ion batteries can be preliminary and rapid screening through visual inspection. For the calibration of the actual capacity of the decommissioned battery, the charge and discharge current I3 is defined as 80% of the nominal capacity, and the actual capacity of the decommissioned battery is more accurate. Pulse discharge voltage is an important indicator for judging battery consistency and can be used as a characteristic indicator for rapid sorting of lithium batteries. The battery with the state of health (SOH) value above 80% and the pulse discharge voltage above 2.7V is selected as the battery with good working condition.
Received: 30 September 2020
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LI Cheng,MA Linrui,CHEN Guoli等. Study on the performance of retired lithium iron phosphate batteries[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(6): 73-77.
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