Monitoring information access management of grid-side battery energy storage power station |
LI Lin, QIN Zeyu, LIU Xiao |
Changsha Power Supply Branch of State Grid Hu’nan Electric Power Co., Ltd, Changsha 410015 |
Abstract The grid-side battery energy storage power station is regarded as a public substation, when it connected to the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. The dispatch control center organizes the monitoring and acceptance of battery energy storage power stations in accordance with the requirements for public substations. This paper aims at the characteristics of battery energy storage power stations, discusses the monitoring scope of battery energy storage power station, monitoring information acquisition requirements, monitoring screen and signal processing, monitoring information acceptance method and so on. This paper proposes that energy storage power station monitoring information is classified according to classification and importance, modular processing, manual and automatic acceptance device combination method for monitoring information acceptance. The method based on the hierarchical monitoring requirements, comprehensively considers the modular characteristics of the energy storage power station, and adopts the automatic acceptance technology of monitoring information. It has obvious effects on the criterion of the monitoring information and improvement of the acceptance efficiency of the energy storage power station. The first battery energy storage power station is taken as an example to systematically expound the monitoring information access control. The results show that the acceptance work has carried out in an orderly manner, and the acceptance efficiency has been greatly improved.
Received: 12 August 2020
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LI Lin,QIN Zeyu,LIU Xiao. Monitoring information access management of grid-side battery energy storage power station[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(7): 7-12.
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